Dear friends,
Peace be with you!
When I sat down to write, I thought it has not been an easy time. May God bless us to stay healthy and happy.
Courage! Take heart!
God is here, right here, on His way to put things right and redress all wrongs. He is on His way! He’ll save you.
Now we know that we have ready access to God. He is not out of touch with reality.
So, let’s walk right up to Him and get what He is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.
Let us encourage and empower one another.
Premier is celebrating its 30th Anniversary.
Some colourful jewellery were added to our website.
Please visit and share it with your friends.
We rely on your kind recommendations.
I sincerely wish to give you a big hug soon.
Warmest Regards,
Henry Cheng